7. The missionary should be careful to give some title of courtesy to Muhammad (or, in case of
need, to 'Ali or Fatimah or other person honoured by Muslims) in countries where to do otherwise
would be esteemed disrespectful. In India it is best to say "Muhammad Sahib," in
Persia "Hazrat-i Muhammad."1 Higher titles we as Christians cannot give him,
and Muslims are content if we give him these. In Egypt and Palestine they do not seem to resent him
being spoken of simply as "Muhammad," but in India and Persia to speak thus would be
insulting to your interlocutor 2.
8. Be careful of the theological terms you use. See that you thoroughly understand them yourself
in the first place, not merely the English terms but the words used in the native languageArabic,
Persian, Turkish, Urdu, or whatever it may be. Do not fancy that the words, e.g. for holiness,
atonement, sin, kingdom of heaven, peace, &c., which are used in the vernacular version of
the Bible,