A response to 6.14

Other Prophecies

Mr. Al-Kadhi states, "I shall leave it up to the interested reader to study Islam, Muhammad, and the Qur'an, and arrive at their own conclusion with regard to Muhammad (pbuh) having fulfilled all of the requirements of the coming "Second Messiah"/"Paraclete" /Prophet.

Trying to find Muhammad in the Bible:

For one thing, there is no such thing as a "Second Messiah". Secondly, Jesus did not foretell the future coming of another "Prophet" as we know it.

You can believe what Mr. Al-Kadhi wrote or you can believe what Jesus said. Jesus said, "If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me" (John 5:46). Who did Moses write about? Moses wrote about JESUS. That's what Jesus is saying here. Moses did not write about Muhammad. One can't make it any clearer than this.

Neither did Jesus describe Muhammad as the comforter. People fail to realize that the Comforter and the Holy Spirit are the same (John 14:26). The comforter is neither an angel nor Muhammad. "He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 3:11) would not make sense if you substituted the name of Muhammad in place of the Holy Spirit. Muslims do not believe in baptism.

Jesus said that he would send the comforter to his disciples as they waited in Jerusalem (John 14:16, Luke 24:49) ... not 600 years later. Also, the comforter was invisible (John 14:17). Muhammad was not. The comforter's work was not to gather armies and gain victories with earthly weapons, but to convict men of sin, the very essence of sin being disbelief in Christ (John 16:9).

Jesus also told his apostles that the Comforter would be "in you" (John 14:17). Muhammad could not have been "in" Jesus' apostles, since they lived six hundred years before him and knew nothing about him. Neither was their teaching in accord with Muhammad's. So he could not have been "in" Jesus in some sort of spiritual or doctrinally compatible way.

It must be stated again that Muslim usage of Scripture is often arbitrary and without textual warrant. Although Islamic scholars are quick to claim that the Scriptures have been corrupted, nevertheless, when they come upon a text that they feel can be made to lend credence to their view, they have no problem accepting its authenticity.

In short, their determination of which biblical texts are authentic is arbitrary and self-serving.

The Rebuttal to "What Did Jesus Really Say?"
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